A trip to the Palace of Versailles

A trip to the Palace of Versailles

Even though Paris can fill a whole life, the Compagnie Hotelière de Bagatelle invites you to broaden your horizons still further by discovering the Palace of Versailles, just a few kilometres from the capital...


A trip to the Palace of Versailles is so easy...

Whichever Compagnie Hotelière de Bagatelle hotel you have chosen as your Parisian accommodation, you’ll find it quick and easy to get to Versailles. The main railway stations in Paris or the RER network offer services that will take you there in about 30 minutes. Having arrived, it’s just ten minutes or so on foot along one of the broad avenues leading to the famous Court of Honour, the ceremonial courtyard dominated by an equestrian statue of Louis XIV, the king who established the place as the principal royal residence of France.


A delight for all

The Palace of Versailles is first and foremost a wonder for history and architecture buffs. Touring the Palace, from the Hall of Mirrors to the apartments of the King and the Queen via the Cabinet and the Trianons, makes it easy to imagine the place when it was inhabited by Molière, Lully, Madame de Pompadour and, of course, royal residents such as Marie Antoinette. However, if you prefer, you can simply visit the gardens to enjoy a stroll along the banks of the Grand Canal, relax on the lawns of the Tapis Vert (Green Carpet), or steal a romantic moment in the groves where the fountains sing...

The Compagnie Hotelière de Bagatelle hotel teams are always at your service to help you arrange your trip to Versailles and will keep you informed about events like the Musical Fountains Show. Finally, don’t hesitate to lose yourself in the narrow streets of Versailles, where you’ll find treasures such as the covered market and Saint-Louis Cathedral.



More information:

- Château de Versailles

Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle, a collection of unique boutique hotels in Paris