Discovering the Parisian markets...

Discovering the Parisian markets...

Although a modern and vibrant metropolis, Paris is also a mosaic of districts where a warm and welcoming rhythm of life has developed. The Parisian markets offer an opportunity to soak up this ambiance and experience what it’s like to be a true Parisian. Here, within easy reach of our six boutique hotels, are the markets that our teams recommend you visit...


Experience the markets of Paris

Of course, the markets are first and foremost for shopping and sourcing fresh produce. However, as you’ll undoubtedly discover during your stay in Paris, they also embody a way of life, with each having its own atmosphere. You’ll see what we mean when you visit the Marché d'Aligre, in the 12th arrondissement. It’s joyous, jumbled, even a little chaotic, but vibrant with life. And as soon as a ray of sunshine appears, everyone is on the terrace to enjoy a small glass of red or two... Head to the Marché de Belleville for an exhilarating touch of culture shock. You’ll find an intriguing and inviting mix of aromas, the chatter of languages ​​from all over the world, and a sense of excitement amidst the stalls.


Real institutions

As you wander around the markets of Paris, you’ll get to know their different personalities. The Marché des Enfants Rouges, for example, is the oldest market in Paris and features in the national inventory of historic monuments. The Place des Fêtes offers itself as a small-scale alternative to the enormous Rungis international market by offering only seasonal, local produce sold directly by its growers. The Marché des Batignolles has established itself as the capital’s leading all-organic market. Here you’ll meet passionate producers and committed activists who share their convictions joyfully and peacefully. A true slice of Parisian life!

Paris has a wealth of thriving districts in which the various hotels of the Compagnie Hotelière de Bagatelle make major contributions to their neighbourhoods. To share in the cheerful conviviality, nothing beats a walk around a local market! Our team will be happy to give you all the information you need to get there.



Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle, a collection of unique boutique hotels in Paris